Our Clinic
Age is only a number for us.
We are here to help no matter what your situation is.
Below you will find some case studies of the work we have completed with families, professionals and services.
We know that our specialist experience can help guide families and services to the correct decision.
To date we have helped hundreds of families through our direct online Clinic
The following is a list of some of the areas we can assist in but it is not exhaustive:
EHCP Case Review
Placement Planning with LA funding
Advocacy & Consulting
Child & Adult Speech and Language Therapy
Child & Adult Occupational Therapy
Child & Adult Psychological Support
Subject Specialist Tutors
SEND experts for Schools & Families
Read below some of our case studies.
Case studies & Social Impact

Jose 3.5 years
Service : Educational Psychology - Assessment of need
Jose's parents approached SEN World as nursery staff had raised concerns about his development and communication.
We supported the family through our Educational Psychology Service to identify Jose's primary and secondary need.
We also supported the family with securing statutory assessment of need.

Gaurav 5 years
Service : EHCP Case Review
Gaurav's parents contacted us to help them understand the draft EHCP.
Our experts reviewed the EHCP and wrote a report to the Local Authority which highlighted their failure to draft the EHCP in line with SEND COP.
1:1 Speech & Language Therapy was embedded in the report weekly instead of once a month.
The category of Gaurav's needs was also changed to ensure continuing funding post 16/19

Amelia 12 years
Service : Advocacy & Consulting with Local Authority
Amelia's parents approached us to support them with the Local Authority refusing to fund a placement in a specialist School.
SEN World consulted with the Local Authority and secured funding for Amelia at parents School of choice.

Dillion 13 years
Service : Schools Speech & Language Therapy
Dillion's School referred him to our Speech and Language Therapy services.
We carried out an assessment of need and continue to work 1:1 with Dillion in School and at home to help him with his communication needs.
Our therapists work to a 360 communcation model and a requirement of engagement for us with Schools is transferring skills to home setting.

Dan 16 years
Service : Consulting & Advocacy - Reasonable Adjustments
Dan was refused a placement at local college, based on a technicality with their admission process related to his disability.
SEN World advised the family on Disability Discrimination legislation and advised on how to challenge the Local College * Local Authority.
Parents won the challenge without need for Tribunal.
Dan went on to show the College how great he was! 2 Distinctions & Merit and off to University!

Anish 18 years
Service : Tutoring & Placement Planning Service
Anish is from a country where girls have limited rights and access to HE.
Our specialist tutors supported her in her subjects and IELTS exams.
We also provided support with applying to University and the VISA system in the UK.
Anish has just finished her first year studying Engineering at a Russell Group University in London

Isobel 18 years
Service : Preferred Placement & CHC Funding
Isobel has complex needs and continuing health needs.
Isobel's parents contacted SEN World to assist with her EHCP.
SEN World's specialists were able to secure ongoing funding for her Post 19 placement at her placement of choice.
Our specialists also supported parents in complex assessments with the CCG and LA for CHC funding which was also secured.

Steven 34 years
Service : Adult Occupational Therapy
Steven approached us after self diagosing Autism.
He asked if we could help him with certain daily tasks he struggles with.
Our specialist Occupational Therapist completed an assessment and block of 6 sessions with Steven.
From tasks such as making the bed to completing shopping trips, have all changed for Steven.
His confidence has improved and his relationship with his partner has improved also

Kiran 52 years
Service : Adult Speech & Language Therapy
Kiran an amazing mother to 4 lovely children, has always struggled with speaking under pressure.
Kiran was diagnosed as an adult with Autism. Kiran contacted us to find support with speaking when under pressure.
Our specialist Speech and Language Therapists worked with Kiran to develop her ability to manage these situations.
Kiran reports a massive jump in her confidence

Alma & George 82 years
Service : Advocacy & Consulting with Local Authority
Alma and George owned their home but due to Local Authority negilegence their home had endured roofing damages.
A leak developed which created health issues for George.
SEN World liaised with the Local Authority and secured £30,000.00 worth of rennovations to their home.
Jo is my son's OT she's an excellent professional therapist, she is always aware of my son’s changes and she is really passionate to find out more, she is an excellent researcher always aware what is new out there in the special needs equipment market as well as what they already have available in stocks. She communicates effectively with me as a parent and with the school.
Sally | Parent
The support and advice I personally received was outstanding. It gave me the knowledge and confidence I needed to fight for my child's place in 6th form.
Manish | Parent
I would absolutely recommend using SEN world. I used them for Psychology tutoring during the final year of my A-levels and they helped me immensely- I got into my first choice university afterwards! They taught me all the content and even touched on University content to broaden my knowledge on the subject. They also provided me with skills and increased confidence to help with University work and also everyday life.
Darren | Student
The change in my son's mental health has been profound. He was not accessing school as they didnt understand his needs. SEN World has provided support for him and my family and also the School. I can't thank them enough.
James | Parent
Thank you for always being there when ever I need you.
Betty | Adult Client